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Fazail-e-Shab-e-Me'raj Sharif wa Youm-e-Be'sat-e-Nabawi SallAllaho Alaihi wa Sallam [URDU]
یوم بعثت نبوی صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم
فی رجب یوم ولیلة من صام ذٰلك الیوم وقام تلك اللیلة كان كمن صام من الدهر مائة سنة وقام مائة سنة وھو لثلث بقین من رجب وفیه بعث اﷲ تعالٰی محمدا صلی اﷲ تعالٰی علیه وسلّم۔
رجب میں ایک دن اور رات ہے جو اس دن كا روزہ ركھے اور وُہ رات نوافل میں گزارے سَو برس كے روزوں اور سَو برس كے شب بیداری كے برابر ہو، اور وہ ۲۷رجب ہے اسی تاریخ اﷲ عزوجل نے محمد صلی اﷲ تعالیٰ علیہ وسلم كو مبعوث فرمایا۔
الفردوس بمأثور الخطاب حدیث ٤۳۸۱ دارالكتب العلمیہ بیروت ۳ /۱٤۲
شعب الایمان حدیث ۳۸۱۱ دارالكتب العلمیہ بیروت ۳ /۳۷٤
نیز اسی میں بطریق ابان بن عیاش حضرت انس رضی اﷲ تعالیٰ عنہ سے مرفوعاً مروی:
فی رجب لیلة یكتب للعامل فیھا حسنات مائة سنة، وذٰلك لثلٰث بقین من رجب فمن صلی فیه اثنتی عشرة ركعة یقرأ فی كل ركعة فاتحة الكتاب وسورة من القرأن، ویتشھد فی كل ركعة ویسلم فی اٰخرهن، ثم یقول، سبحٰن اﷲ والحمدﷲ ولاالٰہ الااﷲ واﷲ اكبر مائة مرة ویستغفر اﷲ مائة مرة ویصلی عن النّبی صلی اﷲتعالٰی علیہ وسلم مائة مرة ویدعو لنفسہ ماشاء من امر دنیاه واٰخرته ویصبح صائما فان اﷲ یستجیب دعاء كلہ الاان یدعوفي معصیة۔
رجب میں ایک رات ہے كہ اس میں عمل نیك كرنے والے كو سَو برس كی نیكیوں كا ثواب ہے اور وہ رجب كی ستائیسویں شب ہے جو اس میں بارہ ركعت پڑھے ہرركعت میں سورہ فاتحہ اور ایك سورت، اور ہر دوركعت پر التحیات اور آخر میں بعد سلام سبحن اﷲ والحمد ﷲ ولاالٰہ الا اﷲ واﷲ اكبرسو بار، استغفار سَو بار، درود سو بار، اور اپنی دنیا وآخرت سے جس چیز كی چاہے دعا مانگے اور صبح كو رزہ ركھے تو اﷲ تعالیٰ اس كی سب دعائیں قبول فرمائے سوائے اس دُعا كے جو گناہ كے لیے ہو۔ (شعب الایمان حدیث ۳۸۱۲۱ دارالكتب العلمیہ بیروت ۳ /۳۷٤)
فوائد ہناد میں انس رضی اﷲ تعالٰی عنہ سے مروی:
بعث نبیا فی السابع والعشرین رجب فمن صام ذٰلك الیوم ودعا عند افطارہ كان لہ كفارة عشر سنتین۔
۲۷ رجب كو مجھے نبوت عطا ہُوئی جو اس دن كا روزہ ركھے اور افطار كے وقت دُعا كرے دس برس كے گناہوں كا كفارہ ہو۔ (تنزیه الشریعة بحوالہ فوائد ہناد كتاب الصوم حدیث ٤۱ دارالكتب العلمیة بیروت ۳ /۱٦۱)
جزء ابی معاذ مروزی میں بطریق شہر ابن حوشب ابوھریرہ رضی اﷲ تعالیٰ عنہ سے موقوفاً مروی:
من صام یوم سبع وعشرین من رجب كتب اﷲ له صیام ستین شھرا وھو الیوم الذی هبط فیه جبریل علی محمد صلی اﷲ تعالٰی علیه وسلم بالرسالة۔
جو رجب كی ستائیسویں كا روزہ ركھے تو اﷲ تعالیٰ اس كے لیے ساٹھ مہینوں كے روزوں كا ثواب لكھے، اور وُہ وُہ دن ہے جس میں جبریل علیہ الصلٰوة والسلام محمد صلّی اﷲ تعالیٰ علیہ و سلم كے لیے پیغمبری لے كر نازل ہُوئے۔ (تنزیه الشریعة بحوالہ جزء ابی معاذ كتاب الصوم حدیث ٤۱ دارا لكتب العلمیه بیروت ۳ /۱٦۱)
تنزیه الشریعة سے ماثبت من السّنة میں ہے:
وھذا أمثل ما ورد فی ھذا المعنی۔
یہ اُن سب حدیثوں سے بہتر ہے جو اس باب میں آئیں۔ بالجملہ اس كے لیے اصل ہے اور فضائلِ اعمال میں حدیثِ ضعیف باجماعِ ائمہ مقبول ہے واﷲتعالٰی اعلم۔
تنزیه الشریعة بحوالہ جزء ابی معاذ كتاب الصوم حدیث ٤۱ دارا لكتب العلمیہ بیروت ۳ /۱٦۱
ما ثبت بالسنة مع اردو ترجمہ ذكرماہِ رجب ارادہ نعیمیہ رضویہ لال كھوہ موچی گیٹ لاہور ص ۲۳٤
— — —
تحقیق: اعلیٰ حضرت الشاہ امام احمد رضا خان علیہ الرحمۃ والرضوان
کتاب: العطایا النبویہ فی الفتاوی الرضویہ ، جلد ۱۰ ، صفحہ ٦٤۷
Permissibility of Celebrating Mawlid from Qur'an & Hadith!!
Dehr mein Aaiey Noor-e-Mujassam Kufr pe Chaya Aalam Hoo ka
Apni Dukan-e-Shirk Bar'ha ker Bhaag gaey sub Marqas-o-Looqa
Shaitaan Naar-e-Hasad mein Jal ker Reh gaya pee ker Ghoont Lahoo ka
Waqt-e-Wiladat-e-Shah-e-Do Aalam Na'ra thaa yeh her Sar-e-Moo ka
Ja'Alhaqu Wazahaqal BaaTil; Innal BaaTila Kaana Zahooqa
All Praise is due to Allah subHanuhu wa Ta'ala, Countless Durood and Salutations upon the best of creation Sayyaduna wa Habeebuna Qurrat Aeenuna Muhammadur Rasoolullah Sallallaho Alaihi wa Sallam.
In present era we are suffering sects and scholars who imposes verdicts of Shirk and Bid’at on those who celebrate Mawlid an-Nabi Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam with great enthusiasm and integrity and due to which the simple and straight peoples who are less in knowledge of Qur’an and Hadith gets nervous whether they are following the TURHT or not.
Here is proof from QUR'AN al-Kareem and Sayings of Prophet Peace Be Upon Him which show beyond a shadow of a doubt that Celebrating Milad-un-Nabi Sallallaho Alaihi wa Sallam is absolutely Lawful.
..:: The Holy Qur’an Says ::..
قَالَ عِيسَى ابْنُ مَرْيَمَ اللَّهُمَّ رَبَّنَا أَنزِلْ عَلَيْنَا مَآئِدَةً مِّنَ السَّمَاءِ تَكُونُ لَنَا عِيداً لِّأَوَّلِنَا وَآخِرِنَا وَآيَةً مِّنكَ وَارْزُقْنَا وَأَنتَ خَيْرُ الرَّازِقِينَ
Issa son of Maryam submitted, 'O Allah our Lord, 'sends down to us a tray of food from the heaven so that it may be an occasion of rejoicing for us, for the first and the last of us and a sign from You, and provide for us and you are the best of Providers. (Surah Al-Ma’idah, Verse 114)
The day when food is sent from skies is day of rejoicing (EID); then the day when soul of universe Peace be with him was born must be the rejoice for the day of rejoicing.
Look what ALLAH have said:
وَأَمَّا بِنِعْمَةِ رَبِّكَ فَحَدِّثْ
And publicize well the favors of your Lord. (Surah Al-Duha, Verse 11)
ALLAH himself commemorating Milad in Holy Qar’an as we do in our gatherings, Allah Says in the Holy Qur’an:
هُوَ الَّذِي أَرْسَلَ رَسُولَهُ بِالْهُدَى وَدِينِ الْحَقِّ لِيُظْهِرَهُ عَلَى الدِّينِ كُلِّهِ وَكَفَى بِاللَّهِ شَهِيدًا
It is He Who has sent His Messenger with guidance and the religion of truth that he may make it prevail over all other religions And Sufficient is Allah as witness. (Surah Al-Fatha, Verse 28)
وَإِذْ قَالَ عِيسَى ابْنُ مَرْيَمَ يَا بَنِي إِسْرَائِيلَ إِنِّي رَسُولُ اللَّهِ إِلَيْكُم مُّصَدِّقًا لِّمَا بَيْنَ يَدَيَّ مِنَ التَّوْرَاةِ وَمُبَشِّرًا بِرَسُولٍ يَأْتِي مِن بَعْدِي اسْمُهُ أَحْمَدُ فَلَمَّا جَاءَهُم بِالْبَيِّنَاتِ قَالُوا هَذَا سِحْرٌ مُّبِينٌ
And remember when Issa son of Maryam, said, 'O children of Israel, I am Allah's Messenger to you, confirming the previous Book Tourat before me and conveying the glad news of the Messenger who will come after me, his name is Ahmad! ' But when Ahmed came to them with bright signs, they said, 'this is an open magic.' (Surah As-Saf, Verse 6)
لَقَدْ جَاءَكُمْ رَسُولٌ مِّنْ أَنفُسِكُمْ عَزِيزٌ عَلَيْهِ مَا عَنِتُّمْ حَرِيصٌ عَلَيْكُم بِالْمُؤْمِنِينَ رَؤُوفٌ رَّحِيمٌ
Assuredly there has come to you a messenger from among yourselves, heavy upon him is your suffering; ardently desirous of your welfare, and to Muslims is most Kind and Merciful. (Surah Tauba, Verse 128)
لَقَدْ مَنَّ اللّهُ عَلَى الْمُؤمِنِينَ إِذْ بَعَثَ فِيهِمْ رَسُولاً مِّنْ أَنفُسِهِمْ يَتْلُواْ عَلَيْهِمْ آيَاتِهِ وَيُزَكِّيهِمْ وَيُعَلِّمُهُمُ الْكِتَابَ وَالْحِكْمَةَ وَإِن كَانُواْ مِن قَبْلُ لَفِي ضَلَالٍ مُّبِينٍ
Undoubtedly, Allah did a great favor to the Muslims that in them from among themselves sent a Messenger who recites unto them His signs and purifies them and teaches them the Book and wisdom, and necessarily before that they were certainly in apparent error. (Surah Al-Imran, Section 17, Verse 164)
يَا أَيُّهَا النَّاسُ قَدْ جَاءَتْكُم مَّوْعِظَةٌ مِّن رَّبِّكُمْ وَشِفَاءٌ لِّمَا فِي الصُّدُورِ وَهُدًى وَرَحْمَةٌ لِّلْمُؤْمِنِينَ ۔۔۔ قُلْ بِفَضْلِ اللّهِ وَبِرَحْمَتِهِ فَبِذَلِكَ فَلْيَفْرَحُواْ هُوَ خَيْرٌ مِّمَّا يَجْمَعُونَ
O people! There has come an admonition to you from your Lord, and healing of hearts, and guidance and a mercy for the believers. Say you, 'only Allah' grace and only His mercy, on it therefore let them rejoice. That is better than all their wealth. (Surah Al-Yunus, Verse 57,58)
And this is what we do, we celebrate; we rejoice; we do spend our money to show gratitude to ALLAH Almighty on his greatest mercy and Blessing i.e. celebrations of Milad-un-Nabi because Qur’an Says:
وَمَا أَرْسَلْنَاكَ إِلَّا رَحْمَةً لِّلْعَالَمِينَ
And We sent not you, but a mercy for all worlds. (Surah Al-Anbiya, Verse 107)
..:: See in the light of aHadith ::..
Let us have the opinions of Prophet (Peace be with him) who himself celebrated his Birthday. See Muslim Sharif:
عَنْ أَبِى قَتَادَةَ الأَنْصَارِىِّ رضى الله عنه أَنَّ رَسُولَ اللَّهِ -صلى الله عليه وسلم- سُئِلَ عَنْ صَوْمِ الاِثْنَيْنِ فَقَالَ « فِيهِ وُلِدْتُ وَفِيهِ أُنْزِلَ عَلَىَّ
Abi Qatada Ansari (Allah be pleased with him) reported that Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) was asked about fasting on Monday, whereupon he said: It is (the day) when I was born and revelation was sent down to me.
1. Sahih Muslim, Book 6 – Fasting, Vol 7, Page 323, Hadith 2807
2. Sahih Muslim, Vol1, Bubus Syam, Published by Qadeemi Qutb Khana Karachi
3. Sahih Muslim, Vol1, Page 7
4. Asadul Gaba fee Ma’arfatis Sahaba, Vol1, Page 21-22, Published in Lahore 1987
When Prophet (Peace be with him) is celebrating his birthday not yearly but every Monday then how it can be Shirk or Bid’at?
ورأت أمي حين حملت بى أنه خرج منها نور أضاء له قصور بصرى من أرض الشام
Holy Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) said: “When my mother gave birth to me she saw a light proceeding from her which showed her the castles of Syria”
1. Ibn Hisham; Tafsir Ibn Kathir 4:360
2. Bayhaqi, Dala’il an-Nubuwwa 1:110
3. Haythami, Zawa’id 8:221
4. Ibn al-Jawzi ‘al-Wafa’
5. Qadi Iyad, ‘al-Shifa’
أول ما خلق الله تعالى نوري
The Holy Prophet Muhammad (Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam) has stated, "The very first thing which Almighty Allah created was my Noor."
1. Tafseer Nashyapuri Page 55 Vol 8
2. Tafseer Araa'is ul Bayaan page 238 Vol 1
3. Tafseer Roohul Bayaan page 548 Vol 1
4. Zirkaani Shareef page 37 Vol 1
5. Madarijun Nabuiwat page 6 Vol 2
6. Bayaanul Milaadun Nabi Li ibn Jauzi page 24
7. Matali'ul Musarraat lil faasi
8. Itr ul Wirda
9. Tafseere Husaini
10. Sharah Qasida Imali
Shareh al-Bukhari Imam Ahmad Qistalaani (Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anhu) states in his most distinguished work "Mustataab Muwahibul ladaniyah" that narration has been made by Hadrat Imam Zainul Abedeen (Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anhu) who narrates from His father Hadrat Imam Husain (Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anhu) who narrates from His father Hadrat Ali Mushkil Kusha (Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anhu) that the Holy prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam) has stated,
كنت نورا بين يدى ربى قبل خلق آدم باربعة عشر ألف عام
“I was a Noor by my creator 14000 years before the creation of Hadrat Adam (Alaihis Salaam)"
Muwahibul ladaniyah pg 10 vol 1
Zirkani Shareef pg 49 vol 1
Jawahirul Biharul Nibhaani page 774
Anwaarul Muhammadiya pg 9
Tafseer Roohul Bayaan pg 370 vol 2
Hujjatullahi Alal Alameen
روى عبد الرزاق -فيما قيل- عن جابر رضي الله عنه قال: "قلت: يا رسول الله بأبي أنت وأمّي أخبرني عن أول شىء خلقه الله تعالى قبل الأشياء؟ قال: يا جابر إن الله تعالى خلق قبل الأشياء نور نبيّك من نوره فجعل ذلك النور يدور بالقدرة حيث شاء الله ولم يكن في ذلك الوقت لوح ولا قلم ولا جنّة ولا نار ولا ملك ولا سماء ولا أرض ولا شمس ولا قمر ولا جني ولا إنسي، فلما أراد الله أن يخلق الخلق قسّم ذلك النور أربعة أجزاء فخلق من الجزء الأول القلم، ومن الثاني اللوح، ومن الثالث العرش، ثم قسم الجزء الرابع أربعة أجزاء فخلق من الجزء الأول حملة العرش، ومن الثاني الكرسي، ومن الثالث باقي الملائكة، ثم قسّم الرابع أربعة أجزاء فخلق من الأول السموات، ومن الثاني الأرضين، ومن الثالث الجنّة والنار، ثم قسم الرابع أربعة أجزاء فخلق من الأول نور أبصار المؤمنين، ومن الثاني نور قلوبهم وهي المعرفة بالله، ومن الثالث نور أنسهم وهو التوحيد لا إله إلا الله محمّد رسول الله"
"O Prophet of Allah (sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam)! My parents be sacrificed upon you, what did the Almighty Allah first create?" The Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam) replied: "Allah first created my Noor (Light) of His Noor. This Noor traveled about according to the Will of Allah. At that time, there was no Heaven, Hell, Lawh (Divine Tablet), Pen, Earth, Skies, Sun, Moon, Jinn or Human Beings. When He decided to create, He divided that Noor into four parts. From one part He created the Pen, from the second, the Lawh and from the third, he made the Arsh (Throne). He divided the fourth part into a further four parts. From one, He created those Angels who carry the Arsh, from the second, the Kursi (Divine Chair) and from the third, He created the Angels. He again divided the remaining parts into a further four parts. From one, He created the skies. The second was used in creating the planets. From the third, Heaven and Earth were created. Once again, He divided the fourth part into a further four parts. From one part He created the power with which the believers see. From the second, He created in the hearts of the Believers the Noor of Marifat. From the third, He created Noor in the tongues of the Believers, so that they can read the Kalima of Tauheed".
1. Muwahibul Ladaniyah page 9 Vol 1
2. Zirkani Shareef page 46 Vol 1
3. Seerate Halbia page 37 Vol 1
4. Mutali ul Musarraat Sharah Dalail Kheyraat page 610
5. Afzalul Qura by Imam Ibn Hajr Makki
6. Hujatullahu alal Alameen page 68
7. Anwaarul Muhammadiya Page 9
8. Aqidatush Shuhada page 100
9. Fatawa Hadithia page 51
10. Dalaa'il-un-Nubuwwat By Imam Baihaqi
11. Khamees by Allama Dayar Bakri
12. Madarij-un-Nabuwwat by Skaikh Abdul Haq Muhaddith Dehlvi
Abu Lahab was an uncle to the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam). The event, which Imaam Qastalaani has referred to, is this. When a maid of Abu Lahab (Abdul 'Uzza) named Thuwaibah informed him of a son being born to his brother Abdul Laah (may ALLAH be pleased with him), he (Abu Lahab) was so delighted at herring this that he pointed his finger to her in a manner which signified her emancipation for carrying the good news to him But when the holy Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam) declared his Prophet hood, he (Abu Lahab) did not accept him as a Prophet but became a most severe enemy to him and remained so all his life. In condemnation of him a whole Soorah of the Holy Qur’aan descended.
لَمَّا مَاتَ أَبُو لَهَب رَأَيْته فِي مَنَامِي بَعْد حَوْل فِي شَرّ حَال فَقَالَ : مَا لَقِيت بَعْدكُمْ رَاحَة ، إِلَّا أَنَّ الْعَذَاب يُخَفَّف عَنِّي كُلّ يَوْم اِثْنَيْنِ ، قَالَ : وَذَلِكَ أَنَّ النَّبِيّ صَلَّى اللَّه عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ وُلِدَ يَوْم الِاثْنَيْنِ ، وَكَانَتْ ثُوَيْبَة بَشَّرَتْ أَبَا لَهَب بِمَوْلِدِهِ فَأَعْتَقَهَا
After his death, people of Abu Lahab's household saw him in a dream, and asked him how he had fared. To this, Abu Lahab said that after departing from them he did not meet with any good but was being given water every Monday from the finger with which he had indicated the emancipation of Thuwaibah, and this water lessened his torment.
1. Sahih Bukhari, Vol1, Page 153, Hadith No 5101, Kitaabun Nikaah, Publisher: Darul Fikr – Berut.
1(b). Sahih Bukhari, Vol7, Book 62, Wedlock, Marriage (Nikaah), Hadith 038
1(c). Sahih Bukhari, Vol 6, Page 764.
2. Fathul Baari Sharha Sahihul Bukhari, Vol 9, Page 118 by Imam Ibn-e-Hajr Asqalani
3. Fathul Baari Sharha Sahihul Bukhari, Vol 9, Page 145 by Imam Ibn-e-Hajr Asqalani
4. Musannaf by Abdur Razzaq San’ani, Vol 7, Page 478
5. Umdatul Qaari Sharha Sahihul Bukhari by Allama Badruddin Ainee, Vol 2, Page 95
Allama Muhammad Bin Alawai Malki have stated in his work, Houl al-IHtifal Bi Zikri Mawlid an-Nabawi Ash-Sharif that Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam after announcing his prophet hood he did his Aqeeqa, not only this he also plunked on his mim’ber shareef and recited his Shajra, memorized the birth of Hadrat Adam and Status of Hadrat Ibrahim, Hadrat Esa, Hadrat Moosa Alaihimus Salam. He ordered few of his companions to recite his greatness; Many of Companions offered poems in the greatness of Syyeduna Rasoolullah, He was delighted hearing this and prayed for his companions. (Houl al iH’tifal Bi Zikri Mawlid an-Nabawi Ash-Sharif, Published in Lahore 1987)
لَمَّا مَاتَ أَبُو لَهَب رَأَيْته فِي مَنَامِي بَعْد حَوْل فِي شَرّ حَال فَقَالَ : مَا لَقِيت بَعْدكُمْ رَاحَة ، إِلَّا أَنَّ الْعَذَاب يُخَفَّف عَنِّي كُلّ يَوْم اِثْنَيْنِ ، قَالَ : وَذَلِكَ أَنَّ النَّبِيّ صَلَّى اللَّه عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ وُلِدَ يَوْم الِاثْنَيْنِ ، وَكَانَتْ ثُوَيْبَة بَشَّرَتْ أَبَا لَهَب بِمَوْلِدِهِ فَأَعْتَقَهَا
After his death, people of Abu Lahab's household saw him in a dream, and asked him how he had fared. To this, Abu Lahab said that after departing from them he did not meet with any good but was being given water every Monday from the finger with which he had indicated the emancipation of Thuwaibah, and this water lessened his torment.
1. Sahih Bukhari, Vol1, Page 153, Hadith No 5101, Kitaabun Nikaah, Publisher: Darul Fikr – Berut.
1(b). Sahih Bukhari, Vol7, Book 62, Wedlock, Marriage (Nikaah), Hadith 038
1(c). Sahih Bukhari, Vol 6, Page 764.
2. Fathul Baari Sharha Sahihul Bukhari, Vol 9, Page 118 by Imam Ibn-e-Hajr Asqalani
3. Fathul Baari Sharha Sahihul Bukhari, Vol 9, Page 145 by Imam Ibn-e-Hajr Asqalani
4. Musannaf by Abdur Razzaq San’ani, Vol 7, Page 478
5. Umdatul Qaari Sharha Sahihul Bukhari by Allama Badruddin Ainee, Vol 2, Page 95
Allama Muhammad Bin Alawai Malki have stated in his work, Houl al-IHtifal Bi Zikri Mawlid an-Nabawi Ash-Sharif that Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam after announcing his prophet hood he did his Aqeeqa, not only this he also plunked on his mim’ber shareef and recited his Shajra, memorized the birth of Hadrat Adam and Status of Hadrat Ibrahim, Hadrat Esa, Hadrat Moosa Alaihimus Salam. He ordered few of his companions to recite his greatness; Many of Companions offered poems in the greatness of Syyeduna Rasoolullah, He was delighted hearing this and prayed for his companions. (Houl al iH’tifal Bi Zikri Mawlid an-Nabawi Ash-Sharif, Published in Lahore 1987)
O Rabi' al-Awwal! Your joys surpass thousands of 'Eids
All in the universe are rejoicing, except Shaytan!!
O Rabi' al-Awwal! Your joys surpass thousands of 'Eids
All in the universe are rejoicing, except Shaytan!!
Belief of SaHaba (Ridwanullahi Ta'ala Alaihim Ajma'een) on Celebrating Mawlid Sharif
Date: Tue, 23 Feb 2010 18:14:46 +0000
Subject: Belief of SaHaba (Ridwanullahi Ta'ala Alaihim Ajma'een) on Celebrating Mawlid Sharif

..:: Sayings of Exalted Khulafa ar-Rashideen ::..
Shaykh al-Islam Imam Shahabuddin Ahmad Ibn Hajar al-Haytami al-Makki al-Shafi'i (radi Allahu anhu) in his distinguished book "An Ne'matul Kubra" quotes the blessed sayings of the Khulafa-e-Raashideen concerning Mawlad Shareef. Few of these narrations are being quoted below:
Hadrat Syyeduna Abu Bakr as-Siddique (radi Allahu anhu) says,
قال أبو بكر الصديق رضي الله عنه من أنفق درهما على قراءة مولد النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم كان رفيقي في الجنة
“Which ever person spends one dirham on the birthday of the Holy Prophet (SallAllaho Alaihi Wa Sallam), He will be with me in Jannah.”
Hadrat Sayyeduna 'Umar al-Farooq (radi Allahu anhu) says,
قال عمر رضي الله عنه من عظم مولد النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم فقد أحيا الإسلام
“Whosoever has respected the Mawlad Shareef of the Holy Prophet (SallAllaho Alaihi Wa Sallam) it is as though he has revived the Deen.”
Hadrat Sayyeduna Uthman (radi Allahu anhu) says,
قال عثمان رضي الله عنه من أنفق درهما على قراءة مولد النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم فكأنما شهد غزوة بدر وحنين
"Whosoever has spent one dirham on the Birthday of the Holy Prophet (SallAllaho Alaihi Wa Sallam), it is as though He was present in Ghazwa-e-Badr and Hunain."
Hadrat Sayyiduna Ali al-MurtaDa (radi Allahu anhu) says that,
قال علي رضي الله عنه وكرم الله وجهه من عظم مولد النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم وكان سببا لقراءته لا يخرج من الدنيا إلا بالإيمان ويدخل الجنة بغير حساب
“Whoso ever respects the Mawlid Sharif and is a means of motivating a Milad function, He will take from this world the gift of Imaan and He will enter Jannah without any questioning.”
(AnNe'matul Kubra Pages 7/8 - Published Istanbul-Turkey)

هاجرت إلى رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم فقدمت عليه منصرفه من تبوك، فأسلمت، فسمعت العباس بن عبد المطلب يقول: يا رسول الله إنى أريد أن أمتدحك، فقال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم: قل، لا يفضض الله فاك
After gaining victory and success in Ghazwa Tabook when Rasoolullah (Sallallaho Alaihi wa Sallam) arrived in Madinatul Munawwara, Hadrat Sayyiduna Abbas (radi Allahu anhu) requested permission of the Prophet (Sallallaho Alaihi wa Sallam) to read a few stanzas in his praise then Rahmate Alam (Sallallaho Alaihi wa Sallam) said, " My dear Uncle! Go ahead. May Almighty Allah keep your mouth well."
This is what al-`Abbas ibn `Abd al-Muttalib said:
من قبلها طبت في الظلال وفى مستودع حيث يخصف الورق
ثم هبطت البلاد لا بشر أنت ولا مضغة ولا علق
بل نطفة تركب السفين وقد ألجم نسرا وأهله الغرق
تنقل من صلب إلى رحم إذا مضى عالم بدا طبق
وردت نارا لخليل مستترا في صلبه أنت كيف يحترق
ثم احتوى بيتك المهيمن خندف علياء تحتها النطق
وأنت لما ولدت أشرقت الارض ونارت بنورك الافق
فنحن في ذلك الضياء وفى النور وسبل الرشاد نخترق
... Before you came to this world,
you were excellent in the shadows and in the repository (i.e. loins)
in the time when they (Adam and Eve) covered themselves with leaves.
Then you descended through the ages...
When you were born, the earth shone
and your light illuminated the horizon.
We travel in that illumination and in the light and in the paths of right guidance.”
Mullah Ali al-Qari in his ‘Sharh al-Shifa’ (1:364) says it is related by Abu Bakr al-Shafi`i and Tabarani, and cited by Ibn `Abd al-Barr and Ibn al-Qayyim respectively in ‘al-Isti`ab’ and ‘Huda Nabiyy Allah (Sallallaho Alaihi wa Sallam)’.
This has been stated in distinguished works of great Muhaditheen such as Imam Jalaluddeen Suyuti, Muhadith ibn Jauzi, Allamah Ibn Hajr, Allamah Halbi, Allamah Dahlaan Makki, Allamah Nibhaani, Allamah ibn Abdul Birr, Allamah Haakim, Allamah Ibn Kathir and Allamah Sharistaani (radi Allahu Anhumul Ajmaeen).
1. Kitaabul Wafa pg 35 vol 1
2. khasais ul kubra pg 97 vol 1
3. Insaanul Uyoon page 96 vol 1
4. Seeratun Nauwiya pg 37
5. Jawahirul Bihaar pg 40
6. Anwaarul Muhammadiyah pg 62-84
7. Hujjatulahi Alal Alameen pg 222
8. Muwahibul Ladaniyah pg 23
9. Al Istiaab Mustadrik pg 327 vol 3
10. Albidaya Wan Nihaya pg 258 vol 2
11. Kitaabul Mallal wan Nahal pg 240 Vol 2
12. Majma'i Zawahid pg 217 vol 8
13. Talkheesul Mustadrik pg 327 vol 3
14. Subl al Huda war-Rishaad, Vol 5, Page 469
15. Ibn-e-Kaseer’s Meelad-e-Mustafa, Pg 29-30, Published in Lahore 1958.
Sayyidatuna Aamina Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anha states,
ورأيت ثلاثة أعلام مضروبات علما في المشرق وعلما في المغرب وعلما على ظهر الكعبة فأخذني المخاض فولدت محمدا صلى الله عليه وسلم
“I saw that three flags are sited, One in East, One in West and the third on roof of Ka’ba Shareef and Prophet’s Peace Be Uon Him birth took place.” (Khasaisul Kubra, Vol1, Pg 82, Published from Darul Kutub Ilmia – Berut)
Hadrat Hassan Bin Thaabit (Radi ALLAH Anho) said:
وأحسن منك لم تر قط عيني
Wa Ah'sanu Minka Lum taraqattu Aienee
I haven’t seen the lovely personality like you
وأجمل منك لم تلد النساء
Wa Ajmalu Minka Lum Talidin Nisa'u
And no mother have given birth to such a wonderful personality
خُلِقْتَ مبرءاً من كل عيب
Khuliqta Mubarra'am Min Kulli Aie'bin
You are created free from every fault
كأنك قد خُلِقْتَ كما تشاء
Ka'Annaka Qud Khuliqta Kama Tasha'u
You were created, as you wanted to be
And look what Sarkar Awarded him; Hadrat Aaisha (Radi ALLAH Anha) narrates that Holy Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) built a pulpit for Hadrat Hassan (Radi ALLAH Anho) in Masjid-e-Nabawi Shareef, and Hadrat Hassan use to Recite Naats standing on that pulpit and also use to give answers to mushriqeen on behalf of Syyeduna Muhammadur Rasoolullah (Sallallaho Alaihi Wasallam). For this act of Hadrat Hassan, Holy Prophet (Sallallaho Alaihi Wasallam) said
إن روح القدس لا يزال يؤيدك ما نافحت عن الله ورسوله صلى الله عليه وسلم
"Jibril al Ameen (RooH al Quds) assists Hassan while He recites and refutes mushrikeen on there accusations on ALLAH and His Prophet Peace and Blessings be upon Him"
1. Sunan al Kubra lil Bayhaqi, Vol 10, Page 238
2. Al Mau'jam al Kabir lil Tibrani, Vol 4, Page 35
3. Musannaf Abi Shayba, Vol 6, Page 173
4. Dalail al Nabuwwah, Vol 5, Page 75
5. SaHiH Muslim, Vol 16, Page 226
6. Sunan Abi Dawood, Vol 14, Page 357
An Incident with Hadrat Burayda al-Aslami (radi Allahu anhu)
Beloved Prophet Peace Be Upon Him Migrated to Madinah Munawwarah, when he reached MoDa-e-Gameem near Madina; at that time Burayda Aslami along with 70 Horse riders of Qabeela Bani Saham came to Prophet Peace Be Upon Him to arrest him (Ma’aaz ALLAH) but because of Prophet’s blessed and wonderful personality, he got highly admire with the Prophet Peace be Upon Him and accepted Islam along with his group. Then he requested Prophet Peace Be Upon Him
لا تدخل المدینة الا ومعك لواء، فحل عمامة ثم شدھا في رمح ثم مشی بین یدیه صلی الله علیه وسلم
Please not enter Madinah Munawwarah until we have a Flag. So, he tied his Turban on his arc and entered in Madinah Munawwarah with Prophet Sallallaho Alaihi Wasallam carrying that FLAG. (Wafa-ul-Wafa, Vol1, Pg 243, published from Dar aHya’at Tarasal Arabi – Berut)
Hadrat Sayyeduna Hasan Basri (radi Allahu anhu) said,
قال حسن البصري رضي الله تعالی عنه وددت لو کان لی مثل جبل احد ذھبا فانفقته علی قراءۃ مولد النبي صلی الله علیه وسلم
"I would like have gold equivalent to the Mountain of Uhud so that I should be able to spend it on the Milad Shareef of the Holy Prophet (SallAllaho Alaihi Wa Sallam)." (Ne'matul Kubra Page 6, Published Istanbul - Turkey)

Subject: Belief of SaHaba (Ridwanullahi Ta'ala Alaihim Ajma'een) on Celebrating Mawlid Sharif
..:: Sayings of Exalted Khulafa ar-Rashideen ::..
Shaykh al-Islam Imam Shahabuddin Ahmad Ibn Hajar al-Haytami al-Makki al-Shafi'i (radi Allahu anhu) in his distinguished book "An Ne'matul Kubra" quotes the blessed sayings of the Khulafa-e-Raashideen concerning Mawlad Shareef. Few of these narrations are being quoted below:
Hadrat Syyeduna Abu Bakr as-Siddique (radi Allahu anhu) says,
قال أبو بكر الصديق رضي الله عنه من أنفق درهما على قراءة مولد النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم كان رفيقي في الجنة
“Which ever person spends one dirham on the birthday of the Holy Prophet (SallAllaho Alaihi Wa Sallam), He will be with me in Jannah.”
Hadrat Sayyeduna 'Umar al-Farooq (radi Allahu anhu) says,
قال عمر رضي الله عنه من عظم مولد النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم فقد أحيا الإسلام
“Whosoever has respected the Mawlad Shareef of the Holy Prophet (SallAllaho Alaihi Wa Sallam) it is as though he has revived the Deen.”
Hadrat Sayyeduna Uthman (radi Allahu anhu) says,
قال عثمان رضي الله عنه من أنفق درهما على قراءة مولد النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم فكأنما شهد غزوة بدر وحنين
"Whosoever has spent one dirham on the Birthday of the Holy Prophet (SallAllaho Alaihi Wa Sallam), it is as though He was present in Ghazwa-e-Badr and Hunain."
Hadrat Sayyiduna Ali al-MurtaDa (radi Allahu anhu) says that,
قال علي رضي الله عنه وكرم الله وجهه من عظم مولد النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم وكان سببا لقراءته لا يخرج من الدنيا إلا بالإيمان ويدخل الجنة بغير حساب
“Whoso ever respects the Mawlid Sharif and is a means of motivating a Milad function, He will take from this world the gift of Imaan and He will enter Jannah without any questioning.”
(AnNe'matul Kubra Pages 7/8 - Published Istanbul-Turkey)
..:: What Does other SAHABA-E-KIRAM Believe? ::..
هاجرت إلى رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم فقدمت عليه منصرفه من تبوك، فأسلمت، فسمعت العباس بن عبد المطلب يقول: يا رسول الله إنى أريد أن أمتدحك، فقال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم: قل، لا يفضض الله فاك
After gaining victory and success in Ghazwa Tabook when Rasoolullah (Sallallaho Alaihi wa Sallam) arrived in Madinatul Munawwara, Hadrat Sayyiduna Abbas (radi Allahu anhu) requested permission of the Prophet (Sallallaho Alaihi wa Sallam) to read a few stanzas in his praise then Rahmate Alam (Sallallaho Alaihi wa Sallam) said, " My dear Uncle! Go ahead. May Almighty Allah keep your mouth well."
This is what al-`Abbas ibn `Abd al-Muttalib said:
من قبلها طبت في الظلال وفى مستودع حيث يخصف الورق
ثم هبطت البلاد لا بشر أنت ولا مضغة ولا علق
بل نطفة تركب السفين وقد ألجم نسرا وأهله الغرق
تنقل من صلب إلى رحم إذا مضى عالم بدا طبق
وردت نارا لخليل مستترا في صلبه أنت كيف يحترق
ثم احتوى بيتك المهيمن خندف علياء تحتها النطق
وأنت لما ولدت أشرقت الارض ونارت بنورك الافق
فنحن في ذلك الضياء وفى النور وسبل الرشاد نخترق
... Before you came to this world,
you were excellent in the shadows and in the repository (i.e. loins)
in the time when they (Adam and Eve) covered themselves with leaves.
Then you descended through the ages...
When you were born, the earth shone
and your light illuminated the horizon.
We travel in that illumination and in the light and in the paths of right guidance.”
Mullah Ali al-Qari in his ‘Sharh al-Shifa’ (1:364) says it is related by Abu Bakr al-Shafi`i and Tabarani, and cited by Ibn `Abd al-Barr and Ibn al-Qayyim respectively in ‘al-Isti`ab’ and ‘Huda Nabiyy Allah (Sallallaho Alaihi wa Sallam)’.
This has been stated in distinguished works of great Muhaditheen such as Imam Jalaluddeen Suyuti, Muhadith ibn Jauzi, Allamah Ibn Hajr, Allamah Halbi, Allamah Dahlaan Makki, Allamah Nibhaani, Allamah ibn Abdul Birr, Allamah Haakim, Allamah Ibn Kathir and Allamah Sharistaani (radi Allahu Anhumul Ajmaeen).
1. Kitaabul Wafa pg 35 vol 1
2. khasais ul kubra pg 97 vol 1
3. Insaanul Uyoon page 96 vol 1
4. Seeratun Nauwiya pg 37
5. Jawahirul Bihaar pg 40
6. Anwaarul Muhammadiyah pg 62-84
7. Hujjatulahi Alal Alameen pg 222
8. Muwahibul Ladaniyah pg 23
9. Al Istiaab Mustadrik pg 327 vol 3
10. Albidaya Wan Nihaya pg 258 vol 2
11. Kitaabul Mallal wan Nahal pg 240 Vol 2
12. Majma'i Zawahid pg 217 vol 8
13. Talkheesul Mustadrik pg 327 vol 3
14. Subl al Huda war-Rishaad, Vol 5, Page 469
15. Ibn-e-Kaseer’s Meelad-e-Mustafa, Pg 29-30, Published in Lahore 1958.
Sayyidatuna Aamina Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anha states,
ورأيت ثلاثة أعلام مضروبات علما في المشرق وعلما في المغرب وعلما على ظهر الكعبة فأخذني المخاض فولدت محمدا صلى الله عليه وسلم
“I saw that three flags are sited, One in East, One in West and the third on roof of Ka’ba Shareef and Prophet’s Peace Be Uon Him birth took place.” (Khasaisul Kubra, Vol1, Pg 82, Published from Darul Kutub Ilmia – Berut)
Hadrat Hassan Bin Thaabit (Radi ALLAH Anho) said:
وأحسن منك لم تر قط عيني
Wa Ah'sanu Minka Lum taraqattu Aienee
I haven’t seen the lovely personality like you
وأجمل منك لم تلد النساء
Wa Ajmalu Minka Lum Talidin Nisa'u
And no mother have given birth to such a wonderful personality
خُلِقْتَ مبرءاً من كل عيب
Khuliqta Mubarra'am Min Kulli Aie'bin
You are created free from every fault
كأنك قد خُلِقْتَ كما تشاء
Ka'Annaka Qud Khuliqta Kama Tasha'u
You were created, as you wanted to be
And look what Sarkar Awarded him; Hadrat Aaisha (Radi ALLAH Anha) narrates that Holy Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) built a pulpit for Hadrat Hassan (Radi ALLAH Anho) in Masjid-e-Nabawi Shareef, and Hadrat Hassan use to Recite Naats standing on that pulpit and also use to give answers to mushriqeen on behalf of Syyeduna Muhammadur Rasoolullah (Sallallaho Alaihi Wasallam). For this act of Hadrat Hassan, Holy Prophet (Sallallaho Alaihi Wasallam) said
إن روح القدس لا يزال يؤيدك ما نافحت عن الله ورسوله صلى الله عليه وسلم
"Jibril al Ameen (RooH al Quds) assists Hassan while He recites and refutes mushrikeen on there accusations on ALLAH and His Prophet Peace and Blessings be upon Him"
1. Sunan al Kubra lil Bayhaqi, Vol 10, Page 238
2. Al Mau'jam al Kabir lil Tibrani, Vol 4, Page 35
3. Musannaf Abi Shayba, Vol 6, Page 173
4. Dalail al Nabuwwah, Vol 5, Page 75
5. SaHiH Muslim, Vol 16, Page 226
6. Sunan Abi Dawood, Vol 14, Page 357
An Incident with Hadrat Burayda al-Aslami (radi Allahu anhu)
Beloved Prophet Peace Be Upon Him Migrated to Madinah Munawwarah, when he reached MoDa-e-Gameem near Madina; at that time Burayda Aslami along with 70 Horse riders of Qabeela Bani Saham came to Prophet Peace Be Upon Him to arrest him (Ma’aaz ALLAH) but because of Prophet’s blessed and wonderful personality, he got highly admire with the Prophet Peace be Upon Him and accepted Islam along with his group. Then he requested Prophet Peace Be Upon Him
لا تدخل المدینة الا ومعك لواء، فحل عمامة ثم شدھا في رمح ثم مشی بین یدیه صلی الله علیه وسلم
Please not enter Madinah Munawwarah until we have a Flag. So, he tied his Turban on his arc and entered in Madinah Munawwarah with Prophet Sallallaho Alaihi Wasallam carrying that FLAG. (Wafa-ul-Wafa, Vol1, Pg 243, published from Dar aHya’at Tarasal Arabi – Berut)
Hadrat Sayyeduna Hasan Basri (radi Allahu anhu) said,
قال حسن البصري رضي الله تعالی عنه وددت لو کان لی مثل جبل احد ذھبا فانفقته علی قراءۃ مولد النبي صلی الله علیه وسلم
"I would like have gold equivalent to the Mountain of Uhud so that I should be able to spend it on the Milad Shareef of the Holy Prophet (SallAllaho Alaihi Wa Sallam)." (Ne'matul Kubra Page 6, Published Istanbul - Turkey)
In the Blessed house of Amina, The King of the Prophets has arrived;
Rejoice, O The Troubled, Your comforter has arrived!!
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